Photo of Mariette Lobo of Body in Balance

Clinic Therapies

The bodyworker is not an interventionist; s/he is a facilitator, a diplomatic intermediary between physiological processes that have lost track of one another’s proper functions and goals.

JUHAN, Deane, Job's Body.

3rd Edition, Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc., 2003.

At Body in Balance Clinic, I blend therapeutic concepts and ideas to find the appropriate treatment for an individual client.

Deane Juhan, in his book Job's Body, perfectly sums up my approach to therapy and treatment: "When you understand a technique, you know a technique. When you understand a concept, you know a thousand techniques."

I aim to help clients become aware of problem symptoms and warning signs, learn techniques for future self-treatment and become effective interpreters and managers of their bodies.



I felt great after the Reiki session. Calm and relaxed. Very professional treatment and peaceful atmosphere. I would recommend "body in balance" to everyone.

Justyna Gruszka

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